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Using Route Cache with Compression

It is possible to use the route cache together with compression, such as with the h3-compression library. You may compress both Nuxt-rendered pages or responses from server handlers.

However, due to the way that both this module and the h3-compression library work, you can not use compression within the event handler, for the simple reason that your event handler is only called once when the response is stored in cache. Afterwards the cached response is returned immediately. Of course you can still continue to use compression in an event handler, but just not together with the route cache.

For this reason, you have to compress responses globally, via the beforeResponse Nitro hook. This is the only hook that is guaranteed to work; using render:response will not work, because this hook is only called on the first render of the page.


While you can use compression from within your app like that, an alternative approach would be to handle this directly on your web server, using mod_deflate for Apache or by setting gzip on in nginx.


import { useCompression } from 'h3-compression'
import { defineNitroPlugin } from 'nitropack/runtime'

export default defineNitroPlugin((nitro) => {
  nitro.hooks.hook('beforeResponse', async (event, response) => {
    // Prevent some paths from being compressed.
    if (event.path.startsWith('/no-compression')) {

    await useCompression(event, response)

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